Wednesday, 26 January 2011

n(n) by Number(N)ine x nano universe Denim Shirt

Really feeling this denim shirt...

I found it on :

This is probably the 1st clothing post on this blog, but yeah the worn look really works on denim most of the time, right. The minds coming together are a japenese design label n(n) by Number(N)ine here's an interesting find about then.... {Read}

The majority of Number Nine’s clothing takes on a subdued, more laid back tone that draws much from the music scene that designer Miyashita is so engrossed with. Themes in the clothing, such as the 2006 A/W collection’s use of plaid throughout its designs, as well as in the shows themselves with the music that plays and the models’ appearance will harken to that overall theme.
The result is a brand that creates fashion statements out of many classic looks, including the cowboy look of the American west – combining suede boots and felt hats with riding jackets – as well as a number of other familiar design styles with modern twists. The wearable collections are decidedly more subdued with simple, rock and punk inspired clothing without the flair of many of Tokyo’s other music inspired brands. Black shirts, gray and white patterned sneakers, and a number of chain accessories round out the collection. Eclectic designs such as fur lined sneakers have been known to make it into the designs as well however. 

Nano universe Denim Shirt

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